August 08, 2010

What if becoming straight for me is like for you becoming lesbian?

Seksualitas adalah cair. Gue setuju. Tapi bukan berarti perubahannya semudah membalikkan telapak tangan. Ada proses yang harus dilalui, semacam proses penyerapan layaknya karakteristik benda cair, sehingga waktu maupun tingkat kesulitan prosesnya berbeda-beda bagi setiap orang.

Every one of us has a different side of the story. We know our story best. Others know theirs best. Kadang kita lupa tentang ini. Kita ngga bisa ngejudge orientasi seksual mana yang lebih mudah dijalani atau lebih enak, lebih sengsara atau lebih bahagia. Orientasi seksual bukan semata-mata soal itu. It's closely related to who you really are, and it's beyond all the things that matters in common society because you're dealing with individual and very private feelings.

Someone's sweet dream is someone else's nightmare. Being straight can be a hell for some people, as much as being lesbian is a hell for others. You can't force someone straight to become lesbian, and neither can you force a lesbian to become straight. It's a simple logic, and people shouldn't argue about which one is right or wrong, because it's simply being the best of ourselves.
